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Why Choose Immaculata?

Immaculata: Your First Choice

Scenes of college life

因为越来越多的准大学生——以及他们的父母, 伴侣和/或朋友——质疑大学学位的价值, 现在,大学真正了解学生、雇主和雇主的需求比以往任何时候都更加重要 attainable, in-demand academic programs at fair rates.

Strengthened by our 帮助学生获得有意义和强大的技能的遗产 对于进入劳动力市场,Immaculata一直专注于提供学术课程 programs that meet the evolving needs of employers. 意识到毕业生不希望永远背负着大学债务,Immaculata提供 competitively priced and proven undergraduate and graduate degrees and certificates to traditionally aged college students, advanced degree seekers and adult and professional learners. In fact, Immaculata tuition rates are among the lowest in the Delaware Valley 而Immaculata则被评为东北地区最受欢迎的大学之一 Best Bang for the Buck Colleges.

还是不相信伊玛库拉塔大学是你最好的选择? Learn more about IU below.

With a 10:1 student-to-faculty ratio, Immaculata enables students to receive personalized attention from caring faculty in a safe and welcoming environment. 而不是庞大的讲堂和客观的指导,Immaculata提供 right-sized learning environments that facilitate personal connections.

100多年来,Immaculata一直致力于培养学生的领导力和服务能力, and our students 毕业时具有很强的专业责任感, responsibility and openness to lifelong learning. Many Immaculata students participate in valuable internships and work study programs as part of their academic programs. With strong connections to industry-leading organizations in the Philadelphia Metro area, 我们的体验式学习机会帮助学生建立信心,为他们的职业生涯做好准备,成为有道德的专业人士和服务型领导者. 更重要的是,我们的职业和专业发展办公室与学生一起提供一个 全面和全面的方法来发展劳动力技能 and preparing for job searches.

从费城出发40分钟,从纽约和华盛顿特区出发2小时.C., Immaculata University is 就在世界上最伟大的文化中心之一的正中央! 方便前往当地和区域公共交通, 印第安纳大学的学生可以通过参观美国的诞生地来开阔视野, 体验大苹果的魅力,看看我们国家的政府在工作. While major historical attractions are nice, 未来的学生不应该忽视新泽西海岸的事实, the Delaware beaches, 波科诺山脉也在很近的车程范围内!

美丽只是伊玛库拉塔风景如画的校园的开始. Opportunities for fun, service, discovery and tranquility are endless, as Immaculata just feels like home and provides a full college experience. From clubs and sports to dining options and dorm rooms, 学生可以定制他们的参与,并知道他们将在我们的学生社区中茁壮成长. Additionally, 印第安纳大学位于费城郊区的校园安全而隐蔽,但又紧密相连,将传统的石基建筑与沉浸式实验室空间中的最先进技术相结合.

Immaculata offers academic programs that meet market needs,为学生提供深入的知识和培养技能的机会 gain practical experience. 学生们对自己的职业生涯充满信心,并为成为有道德的专业人士和服务型领导者做好了准备. Students also enjoy the benefits of an extensive alumni network,这可以帮助他们寻找工作并在职业生涯中取得进步.

大学根据考试成绩而不是学生背景做出录取决定的日子已经一去不复返了, ambition and drive to succeed. As such, Immaculata University is test optional for all majors, including nursing and allied health. In fact, more than 2022年秋季入学的传统大一新生中,有70%没有提交SAT或ACT成绩 在申请入学时,让学生在一个没有压力的环境中开始他们的学习.

Immaculata为我们毕业生的成就感到自豪,我们帮助他们 stay connected to the Immaculata community. This strong network of caring alumni who work in business, healthcare, education, sports, fashion, 音乐和其他各种各样的职业使学生能够建立他们的个人网络和 gain real-world career insights from Mighty Macs working in their aspirational fields!

Our students are our greatest asset, 他们的教育历程的结果是我们使命成功的最大标志. 基于伊玛库拉塔大学最初为女性服务的历史, our evolution to a co-educational model, 以及我们社区的核心价值(尤其是我们对多样性的尊重), a key component of our identity is educational inclusion. Immaculata seeks to be inclusive while striving to nurture the spiritual, moral, 所有社区成员的智力和社会/身体健康 and placing the highest value on student outcomes. Likewise, 因为伊玛库拉塔大学致力于“形成全人的领导和服务”, and empowerment of all to seek truth, 促进正义,参与信仰与文化之间的对话,“我们向学生灌输实现个人目标和支持他人的能力.

With 21 NCAA Division III varsity sports to choose from–plus a co-ed Esports team-学生运动员有充分的机会展示他们的运动才能. Thirty percent of our undergraduate students 选择在一项或多项运动中代表无原罪, and IU has a championship legacy, including national championship trophies won by the 1972, 1973, and 1974 Mighty Macs women’s basketball teams!


Student Spotlight

她与Immaculata教授的关系帮助Makenna Piaskowski在国土安全调查局(HSI)的网络犯罪调查工作组实习。.

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Why Choose Immaculata?

Students explain how our beautiful campus, range of academic programs, and welcoming community led them to choose Immaculata.

Just The Facts


Student to Faculty Ratio

With a 10:1 student/faculty ratio, 个性化的学术关注是Immaculata课程的一个标志.


Academic Programs



Varsity Teams


Discover Immaculata

Grounded in IHM tradition and charism since 1920